Royal Biographer Asserts Harry and Meghan’s Lavish Lifestyle Is Financially Unfeasible

A Royal biographer has slammed Prince Harry and Meghan Markle for “going out of their way to damage the Royal Family and race relations within the Commonwealth”.

Lady Colin Campbell called out the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s behaviour in her re-released book, Meghan and Harry: The Real Story.

The British Jamaican-born author and socialite called out the pair’s recent actions and told Today Extra it was about time they “got their comeuppance”.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been called out for damaging race harmony in the Commonwealth and claiming to have more money than they do. (Michael M. Santiago/Getty)

“I know too many of the Caribbean and African diplomats who have been appalled at the mischief Meghan and Harry have created throughout the Commonwealth,” she said.

“This hasn’t just been an academic exercise where I’m concerned, it’s also been in some ways, a very personal thing because being Jamaican, I am very invested in racial harmony and the success of the Commonwealth.

“And they have gone out of their way to damage the Royal Family and to damage race relations within the Commonwealth and Britain.”

In Lady Campbell’s new book, she claims Harry and Meghan have grown accustomed to a billionaire lifestyle – and they can’t actually afford to live so lavishly.
In 1996, the Queens joins Nelson Mandela for a carriage ride down the Mall on the first day of the South African State Visit.
Under Queen Elizabeth II’s reign, the British Royal family have worked hard at strengthening relations among the Commonwealth. (The Royal Family/Instagram)
Lady Colin Campbell Harry and Meghan book
Lady Campbell said Harry and Meghan are too unpopular right now to bring in any serious cash. (Today)

“I’m not suggesting it, I’m stating it as a matter of fact,” she said.

“Harry’s worth maybe tops, $40 million pounds and that’s a very generous estimate, so do the math – they’re begging for trouble and all the phantasmagoric figures they’ve been quoting, 4120 million from Netflix, $20 million from Spotify, it’s all rubbish.

“Absolutely none of it has ended up in their bank accounts, so now what I understand is that they are struggling financially and they’re going to continue to struggle financially because the fact of the matter is, they simply don’t have the earning capacity, they are too unpopular and nobody wants to be associated with them.”

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