The British Newspaper Released Evidence that Meghan Markle Lied In Accusing Her Husband’s Family of Keeping Her Passport, Enough To Make Her Speechless

The British newspaper pointed out that during her time with Harry, Meghan Markle made many trips abroad using her passport.

The Sussex family’s “bombshell” royal interview has shown no signs of cooling down in the media, becoming a hotly discussed topic on social networks in the past few days. In the interview, Meghan did not hesitate to accuse her husband’s family of causing her to lose her voice and freedom.

However, soon after, Meghan was exposed that Archie was not allowed to be a prince because of royal regulations that existed more than 100 years ago, not because of the skin color that Meghan accused. The Daily Mail also pointed out 15 contradictory statements from the Sussexes to show that what they said was not entirely true.

On March 10, The Sun newspaper also pointed out evidence that Meghan did not tell the truth about her passport being held by the royal family. In an interview on March 7, Meghan said: ” When I joined the family, that was the last time I saw my passport, my driver’s license, my keys. All of those things were gone.” controlled “.

British newspaper released evidence that Meghan Markle lied in accusing her husband's family of keeping her passport, enough to make her speechless - Photo 1.

Meghan once said that she had her passport controlled by the royal family and many other things.

However, according to The Sun, some insiders say that Meghan presented her passport in more than 10 countries while she first fell in love with Prince Harry and after the couple married. Meghan both visited these countries as a tourist. According to sources close to the royal family, Meghan’s passport must be kept safe to ensure it does not fall into the wrong hands, not to control it.

Meghan Markle can still use her passport for her vacations. All royal members, except the Queen, also need to use a passport when traveling abroad.

Expert Margaret Holder said: ” Of course, the British royal family needs to make sure to keep Meghan’s passport safe. It’s hard to imagine her not carrying it on her personal and private trips. like holding a baby shower in New York, going to see friends in Canada or partying in another country .”

Botswana, Zambia 2016-2017

In August 2016 , just six weeks after their first date, Harry took Meghan to Botswana (a country in Southern Africa) and the couple spent a romantic night there. ” We camped under the stars, it was absolutely amazing, “Harry said

British newspaper released evidence that Meghan Markle lied in accusing her husband's family of keeping her passport, enough to make her speechless - Photo 2.

The royal couple went on holiday together when they first started dating.

From August 4-25, 2017, the couple went to Botswana and Zambia to embark on a romantic vacation to mark 1 year of dating each other.

Jamaica 2017

Meghan and Harry went to Jamaica to attend the wedding of his best friend, the British prince. The couple were seen walking hand in hand on the beach at Montego Bay’s Round Hill Hotel. This was also the first time the duchess was officially introduced to all of Harry’s closest friends as his girlfriend.

British newspaper released evidence that Meghan Markle lied in accusing her husband's family of keeping her passport, enough to make her speechless - Photo 3.

Meghan and Harry attended the wedding of the prince’s best friend.

Canada 2018

From August 21-24 , Meghan Markle went to Toronto alone on a commercial plane to meet her close friend Jessica Mulroney and her husband. The Duchess was seen relaxing by the pool and having dinner with friends while Harry was alone in England.

Netherlands 2018

From September 21-23 , after getting married, the couple was seen sipping cocktails with British actors Eddie Redmayne and Jenna Coleman to open a luxury hotel and club in Amsterdam Soho. House.

Italy 2019

From September 19-21 , Meghan and Harry flew to Rome to attend fashion designer Misha Nonoo’s wedding at a lavish villa with A-list stars.

British newspaper released evidence that Meghan Markle lied in accusing her husband's family of keeping her passport, enough to make her speechless - Photo 4.

Meghan flew to Italy to attend the wedding when she was already a royal bride.

America 2019

From February 15-20 , Meghan flew to New York to attend the baby Archie’s baby shower party organized by Williams, Amal Clooney and Gayle King. The flashy party took place at the luxurious Mark Hotel.

From September 6-9 , after giving birth to her son, Meghan flew to New York herself to cheer for her close friend Serena Williams in the tennis finals.

British newspaper released evidence that Meghan Markle lied in accusing her husband's family of keeping her passport, enough to make her speechless - Photo 5.

Meghan made a noisy appearance in the US to attend a baby shower.

Spain 2019

From August 6 to 12 , on the occasion of Meghan’s 38th birthday, the couple and their newborn son spent a long vacation at the Vista Allegra villa. They bring their own chefs and security is very strict.

France 2019

From August 12-18 , the Sussexes went to Nice with Archie at the invitation of billionaire Elton John. The couple and their son had time to relax at this billionaire’s million-dollar villa.

It can be seen that Meghan’s statement that when she entered the royal family, that was also the last time she saw her passport, is not true based on the evidence listed by The Sun. Once again, the Duchess made the public express skepticism about how much of the couple’s interview was true?

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